



找Evanstan旧糖吃,找不到队2北京发布会全场的字幕版(跪求),虽然主持人有翻译主要意思,但还是想听桃的原句啊!于是桃包女孩开启多年不用已荒废的英语听力考试模式,结果偏偏到桃一开口我就听不懂了_(´ཀ`」 ∠)_不过幸亏糖的部分还是大概可以的。就稍微️️记录一下方便自己以后看罢了(我的渣听力。。。有很多地方听不懂或听错了,只是想表达一下内心无法言说的激动

土豆上找的队2北京发布会约35:40时,这一段的问题是:请问几位和Robert Redford, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie等合作时的感受。然后安东尼罗素导演选了皮尔斯的演员来讲。】

主持人(翻译罗素爸爸的话时见桃不知道在和汤包聊什么笑得特开心于是):Chris , would you say few words about Mr. Stan - Bucky ?

桃: Of course I will.×2 Er...I will 、I will …Seb and I both came into this film at the same time. We both came into the first Captain America together. So we were both kind of...er...we share the similar enthusiasm and an excitement about the project. And he 、I 、I mean I wish you guys could know Sebastian. He is the sweetest human being on the planet (这里边笑边用左手戳心口是几个意思233). He's such a good guy. He's so positive. And he's...I I I I'm not sure what to say about him. He's really a nice face to see on the set. You know. This movie is getting very xxx,(这个单词没听清。。。), exhausting, and it's always nice to look over and see his smiling face and the...(包吹桃已上线正打算继续说下去)

主(看到汤包已经忍不住和局长唠嗑半天了罗素爸爸们都放空了而桃还在吹包并有愈演愈烈的趋势忍不住打断了桃):You were the best friends in the first one and you were obviously the opposite side on this one . I just, how was it been intense on set with xxxxx stayed on character (太快没听清。。。大概就是问戏中角色从昔日好友变敌人,在拍摄的时候进入角色状态的话在片场关系会不会变得紧张之类的)? How is it been? Or how was it ? 

桃:um NO————(这个no拉得好——长啊桃) I mean he's not...walking around like an assassin on set. NO. I mean not make a false strange environment. NO. NO. On the contrary, I mean Sebastian wouldn't kill a fly. He is just a really good man. And he's a really nice person to be in the trenches with, You know. These movies are a process, not just making them but promoting them. It's always nice turning a corner and seeing him side-by-side with you. I 、I can't say enough about that guy. 

【此时37:10。一开始说not sure what to say about him 结果balabala滔滔不绝用不停顿的语气吹了快两分钟的包最后来一句I can't say enough about that guy (除非我又听错了_(:з」∠)_还有那4个NO啧啧啧】

主持人翻译了桃的话(用了“他非常非常喜欢384”)后又问汤包和局长:So Scarlett or Sam, I gotta say anything about Mackie. Take it away. 

局长则:Huh? ? ?(有这号人?黑人问号.jpg)
主:The Falcon himself?
局长:OH! That guy!
主(重复):THAT GUY.






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